One way to make sure that you are going to get a job that you will not mind doing is to incorporate your hobby into your job. If you enjoyed reupholstering throughout the years, you might consider going into a line of work that will allow you to learn the skills you have. You can work by selling things through a flea market or a crafts fair.
You might not think that people want to listen, but with your years of experience, you would be a very reliable consultant. When you share the experiences you have had throughout your years you will be helping others. This could not only be profitable for you, but it would be personally rewarding as well.
A good way to find jobs part time that would be suitable for you would be to write a list of your ten favorite things to do in life. Look over that list and see if you can't find a job that would be suitable for you. Another thing to consider is the idea that you could always go back to school. Do not think that you are too old or schooling. Many retired individuals go back to school in order to learn about the tech advances that they may not be all that familiar with.
As you can see, there are many possibilities for you because of all of the jobs for retired people. You could take up a specialty or you could simply work at your local department store on a part time basis. You could focus on places close to home or places that you would enjoy having an employee discount for.
Once you have an idea of the type of jobs that you are looking for, you will want to make sure that you are looking in the right place for the advertisement of job openings. The newspaper is always a good place to start, but thanks to the Internet, more and more employers are posting jobs online. Look for online places to advertise for jobs.
Put together your resume, in case you find a job that does not come with an application to fill out. The more prepared you are to handle your job hunt; the quicker you will find employment. Do make sure that you are only going after jobs that you would like working in. After all, these are your retirement years and you still have every right to enjoy them and make the most out of them.