Retired personnel can apply for part time customer care jobs at banks, health care centers, universities, etc. The jobs can involve using telephone or internet contacts, which may be used for accomplishing target goals. There are target oriented customer service jobs that need repetitive and focused customer service. Some of these include being a receptionist or sales clerk.
As a senior citizen or retired person there are a lot of concessions that you can expect from the job, which is ideal for retirement investment. However, you have to implement your job responsibilities with dedication and effort. As a customer care executive you would have to be service oriented, and focus on problem solving. You should be well versed with the services or products offered, and answer the queries of the customers readily. As a part time customer service employee, you may also be asked to conduct transactions, and deal with the concerns and complaints of clients. Often the job of a customer service representative includes a blend of other job roles.
As a part time customer care executive, your job profile would not include working for 8-10 hours a day. The usual working hours for part time customer care executives can range from 4-6 hours a day. You can also choose a set number of hours that you have to complete each week too. Taking up a part time customer care executive job after retirement provides you with an opportunity to take care of retirement housing bills.
The part time customer care jobs require you to be a high school pass out. Higher paying full time jobs make a graduate degree mandatory. However, as a retired person your previous job experience and employment history can be referred to. You can be from any educational background to qualify for a part time customer care job, but it is essential to have good communication skills.
Communication skills are highly emphasized in these jobs. Part time customer care jobs require you to have good interpersonal skills as well. The capability of hearing, seeing, and speaking flawlessly is given a lot of importance. You should be diplomatic while dealing with clients because the customer service professionals should know how to refuse in a polite manner. You should memorize the policies of the company so that you can answer consumer queries with accuracy. Troubleshooting the regular concerns and problems of customers is vital, and requires to be handled with care.
The role of a customer service representative is to act as an interface between the company and the customer and this is why employers look for people who can communicate in a professional manner. Prior training always helps as it includes telephonic skills, product and services handling and operational skills. If you are a novice, you require to be trained in the above mentioned areas, although it is imperative that with a solid work experience to bolster your CV, you will be trained in these aspects.
You should also be ready to face challenges of age, especially when some customers tend to be impolite to older people. Keeping a cool temper helps to handle irate customers. A positive approach toward your job and a good temperament are significant here to handle the customers. The customer should be heard out carefully, and a solution should be devised to help them with their query or problem. Each customer should be treated with an enthusiastic attitude and due respect.
Prospects of part time customer care reps who have retired are good as the same has been predicted with the growth of the markets and businesses. With significant replacement needs, the prospect looks better, especially for retired professionals who are more adaptable to flexible work schedules. Having a part time customer care job after retirement helps to keep you busy, and also earn a moderate income. The usual salaries of part time customer care employees range from $6,000 to $10,000 per year. Along with the retirement plan this income is sufficient to provide one with a comfortable lifestyle.
The basic idea of retired individuals taking up such part time jobs are to keep themselves occupied. After working for most of their lives, it can be very monotonous to spend the entire day with repetitive or recreational activities. But you should remember that these customer service jobs are not as pleasant and easy as they look. This is a highly stressful occupation where rudeness and complaints of customers can overwhelm you. Hence, retaining your composure and being tactful are important.